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CAI-CLAC: July Legislative Update

CAI California Legislative Action Committee
Advocacy Update
July 2024

It’s summer recess! We couldn’t be more excited to see the Legislature leave town and get some much-needed rest. Actually, we will use the month of July to catch up on everything and prepare for the sprint of August.

June was CRAZY, but we survived and fared well.

Here’s the latest on legislation:
AB 2114 by Assemblymember Irwin will add Civil Engineers to the list of those eligible to conduct balcony inspections. It passed two committees and the Senate Floor and is now awaiting a signature from the Governor. It has an urgency clause which allows it to take effect immediately upon signature.

AB 2159 by Assemblymember Maienschein would authorize an association to utilize electronic balloting for elections. AB 2159 passed both Senate Housing and Judiciary Committees on 10-1 votes. It will be sent to the Senate Floor and acted upon after summer recess.

AB 2460 by Assemblymember Ta clarifies language in our reduced quorum legislation from last session on who is eligible to call the meeting for a reduced quorum to be utilized. AB 2460 passed both Senate Housing and Judiciary Committees on unanimous votes. It will be sent to the Senate Floor and acted upon after summer recess.

AB 2149 by Assembly Member Connolly would require mandatory inspection of electronic gates and the installation of certain safety devices. It passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and was amended to only impact new gates installed after January 1, 2025.

SB 900 by Senator Umberg requires certain actions to be taken by an association when there are issues with a gas or water main located in the common area. SB 900 passed the Assembly Housing and Judiciary Committees. However, we have worked well with Senator Umberg and he has accepted language to address nearly all our concerns.

A special thank you to everyone who engaged in our Call to Action on AB 2159. We had nearly 5,000 emails sent to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Your engagement definitely had an impact!

If you haven’t already done so, you are encouraged to follow CAI-CLAC on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube for ongoing news, resources, events and legislative action. AND, feel free to LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on CAI-CLAC posts. This helps to spread our message and show the strength of our community.


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